Trakai Castle

Trakai Castle. Photo: Ulla Hennig

Trakai Castle. Photo: Ulla Hennig

Trakai castle is the biggest architectural building of such a type in Lithuania. Trakai castle which was built on one of the islands of the lake Galve is today the most attended architectural sight of Lithuania. It was a residence of Lithuanian grand dukes.

We had a guided tour through the castle – the yard and the rooms for representation. It was on a nice and warm pre-summer day, but I could not help thinking of the long winters in north east europe. The castle had floor heating in one room, but the rest of the rooms must have been bitter cold.

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About Ulla Hennig

I live and work in Berlin. Taking photos is one of my hobbies, and writing is one of my hobbies, too. So I decided not only to show some of my pictures here but also present some of the thought which came wth the pictures.

6 responses to “Trakai Castle”

  1. Brad Shorr says :

    Hi Ulla, I’m really enjoying your updates from your trip. Embedding the map is a brilliant idea.

  2. Karen Swim says :

    Ulla, what a great photo! I love architecture and could spend months touring old building and historic sites. Thanks for sharing your travels!

  3. Betsy Wuebker says :

    Hi Ulla – I’m really enjoying this series! I would love to see an unlimited number of photos, too, so don’t be shy! 🙂

    This castle reminds me of touring the castle in Heidelberg – from about the same period. I remember thinking how cold and dank it must’ve been in winter, too.

    Can’t wait to see your next one!

  4. jan geronimo says :

    I would love to write in Trakai castle. Lots of benefits to it – you’d get to hear your own thoughts as they ricochet inside your head. You’ve got more undivided attention so you can really dig deep for those elusive ideas. Just looking at the pictures makes me pine for solitude. Indeed it’s a nice architecture. Great shot. “,)

  5. Glenn says :

    Yes, trakai and the castle are truly a beautiful place. Like something out of a fairytale, but we are able to see and enjoy it for ourselves!

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