Archive | November 2015

Green Shapes

Green Shapes

Lately I am interested in contrast – contrast between colours, contrast between the marks on the paper. Here you can see the contrast between the marks alcohol based markers leave on the paper and the marks left by the PITT Artist Brush pens.

I used drawing cardboard as support – a kind of paper which almost sucks in the ink of the alcohol based markers. When you turn round the paper you can see where the markers have been and where the PITT brush pens have been.

The Dragon’s lair

dragon The dragon’s lair. Markers and PITT brush pens on paper

I used the photo of a lizard as reference for this dragon. did a freehand drawing and transfered the drawing onto the special marker paper.

This kind of coated paper makes it possible to blend with markers. The ink stays on the surface of the paper which is also the reason why you can see the brushstrokes of even the alcoholbased markers.

Diamonds Tumbling

Here I combined PITT Artist Brush pens and alcohol-based markers on cardboard. The different behaviour of both of these pens can be seen pretty well – the waterbased PITT pens leave stroke marks on the paper, whereas the alcoholbased markers to a certain extent do not.

Blue Diamond #2


The same subject as in the post before but drawn / painted on a completely different paper, and with alcohol based markers.

The paper is coated in a certain way thereby preventing the ink from being sucked into the paper; the ink stays on the surface and can be blended very nicely. I discovered this paper quite some time ago accidentally when a former colleague handed it over to me. He had no use for it, and knowing my love for markers thought that I would. I’ve only got 20 sheets or so of it and went to look for similar paper which I found in the end in a bigger art shop.

The one I used for the painting above is rather thin, even a bit flimsy, but the paper I found in the shop is thicker. So it could even be used for painting bookmarks or cards.

Blue Diamond

In this painting I used the PITT artist brush pens for the diamond and the stabilo 68 pens, washed, for the background. I had to be careful not to use too much water to wash the stabilo marks because I was painting on cardboard, but actually you do not need much water to get these beautiful washes!

Yellow Diamond

This time I used some of my Shinhan Touch Twin Markers and some of my PITT Artist Brush pens. The diamond shape in the middle has been coloured with alcohol based markers, and the background with the PITT pens. There is quite a dfference between those markers, as you can see. Some people dislike the PITT pens because of their “streaks”. What I find interesting is the contrast between the more textured spots and the plain, flat surface created by the alcohol based markers.


Intertwined – PITT Artist Brush Pens with Stabilo 68 pens

I used another piece of leftover watercolour paper, and I was astonished about the way those colours were blending on this kind of paper. The PITT pens behave quite differently on cardboard paper, as you will see in one of my next posts.



I took a break with my postcards and took a left over piece of watercolour paper for this painting. This time I wanted to make sure that the diamonds I am drawing are correct, and so I went on google image search in order to have a look at them.

Then I did some rough sketches with a pencil. I went for the shapes I really liked and drew them on the watercolour paper with my staedtler pigment liner pen. The next step was to colour in the diamond shapes with my PITT Artist Brush pens. for the ribbons and the background I used my stabilo 68 pens and wetted them with a brush. It is amazing how much colour you can get out of a single stroke with these pens!

Cute red bat

Cute bat. PITT Artist brush pen on cardboard.

Some days ago I watched a video on YouTube showing how to do this cute bat in Acrylics. While I did this I wondered whether this project could be done with PITT Artist Brush Pens on Cardboard. I did a first rough sketch, then traced it on to transparent paper, refined it a bit and then used the transparent paper as “transfering paper” by putting graphite on the back of it.

Only the blue background was done with a stabilo 68 pen, the rest of the drawing with the PITT Pens.


In the beginning of this picture I used coloured pencils. Then I stopped working at it because I didn’t like the pale colours. I felt tempted to throw the thing away, but could not do that for reasons I don’t know.

Then I rediscovered my PITT Artist Brush pens. After having used them for some smaller paintings I asked myself who not use them to polish up this painting/ drawing? And I did. I am not very satisfied with the background (Used a stabilo 68 pen for that), but I like the way the towers turned out.