Tag Archive | routine

Deviation from the Daily Routine

Almost everyday my way to work via the public transport in Berlin is the same: Walk to subway (carefully, don’t slip on the icy sidewalk!); take subway no 1 (only one station), then subway no 2. Exit subway and take the bus. Leave bus almost in front of office building. Walk to the office (carefully, don’t slip on the icy sidewalk!).

After work it is the same: bus and two subways. I know the faces of quite a lot of the people in the bus, and even in the crowded subways I recognize two or three people. Very often I get into a mode where I close my eyes and shut myself off the reality around me.

But today I decided to deviate from my daily routine – I took another bus and took another route. And suddenly I noticed that I looked at the houses and shops which we passed in a very different way – I wanted to take in information and was fully awake.

And the interesting fact was: I felt relaxed when I arrived at my flat. Relaxed and alive at the same moment. That deviation from my daily routine did me a lot of good, and I decided to have more of it.